Good afternoon everyone, welcome to today's Facebook live discussion. My name is Maura Clancy. I'm here at Chisholm Chisholm in Kilpatrick, in Providence, Rhode Island. I'm also here today with Bradley Hennings and Courtney Ross, also of Chisolm Chisolm ago Patrick. Today, we're talking about the new VA appeal system, a pretty expansive topic. There's a lot of information that we want to discuss today, but we think it's pretty helpful and pretty timely, given all the changes that we're gonna be seeing pretty soon at VA. We have a lot of material to get through, but just a couple of things before we get there. If at any point you have any questions that you would like us to address, please post those in the comments feed next to this video. We'll do our best to get to as many questions as we can. If we can't talk about them during our discussion today, we'll also be sure to post any material that we think might be helpful or useful in the comment section as well. So, if we think that we've got all their articles or other resources that might help you or answer your question, we'll be on top of that as well. Let's start off, and either of you can you just give us an overview about what VA appeals reform is and whether it's the same as ramp, which is the current system. I believe that VA is offering an operating under for their Appeals. Sure, I can keep that. So, in August of 2017, Congress passed what you might hear referred to as Appeals reform, the Appeals Modernization Act, the new system, or kind of the different names that people are throwing around for it. And basically, when the law goes into effect later...
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Va 26-6705 Form: What You Should Know
VA Form 26-6705 is used by the private sector sales broker to submit an offer to purchase VA-acquired property that has a VA-originated lien. VA Form 26-6705 must be used only by a qualified seller. §26-701. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide a clear and concise description of the purposes of and requirements for each of the provisions of VA Form 26-6705.
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